Коли вийшов Xiaomi mi5


Дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5

Офіційна дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5 – 24 лютого поточного 2016 року. Новий флагман з Піднебесної був представлений під час виставки Mobile World Congress 2016 ( “Всесвітній мобільний конгрес 2016”) в Барселоні.

Даний захід привернуло до себе чимало уваги, причому не тільки в Китаї. Продукція Xiaomi Tech користується широким попитом далеко за межами своєї батьківщини, так що дату виходу Xiaomi Mi5 чекали шанувальники з усього світу.

Взагалі спочатку дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5 була призначена аж на вересень 2015 року, однак новинка не була представлена ​​ні тоді, ні через три місяці в грудні того ж року, як пророкували деякі джерела в мережі.

Скептики вже починали стверджувати, що марно чекати, коли вийде Xiaomi Mi5 – тому що він не повинен вийти взагалі. Кінець подібних розмов поклала заява Ліван Цзяна, старшого віце-президента компанії, який на початку цього року написав у своєму офіційному акаунті Weibo, що 24 лютого стартує весняна конференція Xiaomi, а трохи пізніше було підтверджено, що саме там буде представлений новий Xiaomi Mi5.

Дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5: історія чуток

Нагадаємо нашим читачам, що спочатку анонс Xiaomi Mi5 планувався на 20 вересня 2015 року, проте пізніше надійшла інформація, що в цю дату буде презентовано тільки урізаний варіант новинки. Але пізніше і ці дані виявилися не вірними.

Далі з’явилася “витік”, яка стверджує, що дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5 відбудеться в грудні 2015 року. Якщо бути зовсім точними, в ній було зазначено, що новинка вийде “до нового року”.

А ось що це за “новий рік” – ніхто не вказав. Деякі повідомлення китайських ЗМІ вказували на те, що, по всій видимості, мався на увазі китайської Новий рік, який відзначається за місячним календарем і в 2016 році падає на 8 лютого.

Тобто маркетологи і фахівці виробника, визначаючи дату виходу Xiaomi Mi5, орієнтувалися насамперед на місцевий ринок, який живе за своїми законами і власним календарем.

В результаті дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5, як було вже сказано вище, відбулася 24 лютого цього року.

Дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5 на ринок

Незабаром після своєї офіційної презентації Xiaomi Mi5 надійшов у продаж в Китаї. дружня цінова політика і чудові технічні характеристики зробили свою справу – до моменту старту продажів було подано цілих 16 мільйонів заявок на попереднє замовлення, а 1 березня, коли була проведена перша “блискавична розпродаж”, вдалося продати цілих 4 мільйони трубок!

Наступна “блискавична розпродаж” Xiaomi Mi5 буде проводитися в Китаї 8 березня.

Дата виходу Xiaomi Mi5 в Росії

Окреме питання – коли Xiaomi Mi5 з’явиться в Росії, а також країнах СНД. В цілому такі великі інтернет-магазини, як Зв’язковий , Вже заявили новинку в своїх каталогах, проте власне продажу, по всій видимості, почнуться тільки після 8 березня.

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Xiaomi Mi 5 Review

With flagship specs at an astonishing price, the Xiaomi Mi 5 has a lot to offer but can it topple the flagships of today? Here’s our Mi 5 review.

Xiaomi Mi 5

Xiaomi has dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s with the Mi 5 and delivered an astonishingly impressive smartphone. By offering what is quite possibly the best mobile experience at this price, Xiaomi has yet again redefined what an affordable smartphone should be.

What we like

– Excellent design & solid build quality

– Unmatched performance for the price

– Good battery life with Quick Charge 3.0 support

– Great camera in good light

– 4-axis OIS is helpful

– Fingerprint reader is very fast & accurate

– Features an IR Blaster

– Great front-facing camera

What we don’t like

– No U.S. availability

– Lack of U.S. 4G LTE support

– Low-light camera performance is sub-par

– MIUI is still missing features found in stock Android

– Bootloader unlocking process is unwieldy

Our scores

Xiaomi Mi 5

Xiaomi has dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s with the Mi 5 and delivered an astonishingly impressive smartphone. By offering what is quite possibly the best mobile experience at this price, Xiaomi has yet again redefined what an affordable smartphone should be.

Nearly five years ago, Xiaomi released their first smartphone: the Mi 1, and with it, arguably began revolutionising the affordable smartphone market. Xiaomi’s goal of using inexpensive hardware to increase MIUI’s presence within China was simple and effective and certainly paid off; in 2015, for example, Xiaomi shipped nearly seventy million smartphones, the most of any smartphone manufacturer within China.

Xiaomi’s impressive performance is, in no small part, thanks to an admirable strategy of over delivering with nearly every iteration in its flagship “Mi” lineup, while also releasing several very impressive budget smartphones within the “Redmi” lineup. Arriving almost two years after its predecessor, does Xiaomi’s latest flagship continue this trend of offering a flagship experience without the flagship price?

After first sharing our first impressions of this device, we tested a base model Xiaomi Mi 5 for a two week period on AT&T’s US network. Please do keep in mind that while this review reflects my experience with this model, differences such as rear cover material, processor speed, storage, and memory are likely to only have a marginal impact on your overall experience with this device.


With the Mi 5, Xiaomi has included previously introduced design elements like the 3D glass from the Mi Note in addition to newly introduced aspects like the physical home button.

Premium aspects such as the curved glass found on the rear, contouring metal frame, and illusionary bezel-less display are strong indicators of the Xiaomi Mi 5’s flagship ranking. The phone’s form makes it comfortable to hold, even with a single hand. Whether you prefer glass over other materials or not, there is something to said for curved glass edges. While some may be led to believe that Samsung initially started this trend with the Galaxy Note 5, Xiaomi was actually first to implement “3D glass” with the Mi Note.

Of course, the glass back on the Mi 5 does present a couple of issues that are worth mentioning. Most annoyingly is the device’s slipperiness on many surfaces, which can cause it to slip and fall from dangerous heights when not attended to. I also expact that the black model collects fingerprints easily, which can prove to be a nuisance, although the white model hardly attracts fingerprints so this may not be an issue.

Also read:

The Mi 5’s build quality seems to be on par with other flagship smartphones. It feels solid in the hand, and tactile feedback from the power and volume buttons as well as features like flush camera optics are immediately noticeable and appreciated. The craftsmanship is what sets the Xiaomi Mi 5 apart from much of the competition within the same price range, and I have no reservations about this phone’s durability.

Those who enjoy having IR blasters will be happy to learn that the Xiaomi Mi 5 includes one at its top, which allows you to control anything from a television to a fan. While the Mi Remote app does support a respectable number of products, we also found Peel Smart Remote to be an excellent third party alternative, with better support within the U.S. and a few extra handy features. Regardless, the IR blaster is a godsend for those who find themselves watching many hours of TV or using a household appliance often.

Just like every Xiaomi device, there is a multi-colored notification LED which can even be customized based on notification type in the phone’s built-in settings menu. I love having a notification LED on my smartphone, as it saves me from having to manually check for notifications in a compulsive manner. As we noted above, there is a physical home button, which is nested between two illuminated capacitive keys, which unfortunately do not follow the Android standard layout, but do stay true to Xiaomi’s traditional layout.


Although many recently released flagship smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy S7 and HTC 10, are shipping with quad HD displays, Xiaomi has chosen to stick with the tried-and-true full HD resolution. I personally respect this decision as 1080P panels are often cheaper, use less battery power, and virtually all users will be unable to notice a difference, especially at the Mi 5’s size.

The 5.15″ 1080P panel on the Mi 5 is also one of the best we’ve seen, thanks to vibrant and saturated colors, deep blacks, great contrast, and excellent viewing angles. We also found sunlight readability to be very good during our testing, as was the adaptive brightness feature. MIUI handles brightness adjustments notably well, and I rarely had to reach for the adaptive brightness slider during my testing, something which can’t be said for all smartphones available today.


If there is just one aspect of the Xiaomi Mi 5 that tips the flagship smartphone scale, it has to be its beastly Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. It’s one of the fastest mobile processors available on the market today, and we were happy to see its inclusion in the Mi 5.

These were the best Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 phones ever released

It is not entirely implausible that Xiaomi delayed the Mi 5’s release in the face of the Snapdragon 810, which was tainted by several overheating rumors. The Snapdragon 820 is even faster than the 810 and has barely any negative press associated with it in comparison to its predecessor. Regardless of Xiaomi’s reasoning to wait nearly two years between major flagship launches, there is no denying that Mi fans will appreciate having what is likely the best mobile processor available to date.

In addition to its Snapdragon 820, the Mi 5 is shipping in variants with either 3 or 4 GB of RAM, which should be plenty for most users. Even with my 3 GB base model, benchmark scores were impressive to say the least.

Gaming performance was also great on the Mi 5, thanks to the Adreno 530. I had no issues playing high-end games, and you can be confident that the Xiaomi Mi 5 will remain a great gaming performer for some time to come. Overall, the combination of the latest in processors and GPUs has delivered an experience that’s fast, fluid and future-proof.


With 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.2 LE, NFC, and GPS with A-GPS, the Mi 5 offers the connectivity options we expect from a flagship. Since it is an unlocked dual-SIM device, you can use two phone numbers simultaneously. Cellular data will be limited to HSPA+ within the U.S., as neither AT&T’s nor T-Mobile’s 4G LTE network is supported. We should also mention that you may not receive HSPA+ in some areas when using T-Mobile, since the phone lacks AWS (1700/2100MHz) support. This is not an issue when using AT&T. Here is the full list of frequencies that the Chinese variant Mi 5 supports:

FDD-LTE B1, B3, B7
TD-LTE B38, B39, B40, B41
WCDMA 850, 900, 1900, 2100MHz
GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900MHz

Now that cellular frequency support has been addressed, we can discuss other aspects of the Mi 5’s hardware. One of those things is, call quality, which we found to be excellent. When asked, callers said they heard me loud and clear, and I thought they sounded great as well. If you are someone who still appreciates a good amount of traditional phones calls, you will love the Mi 5.

Xiaomi’s fingerprint readers have always been on par with other smartphones, but the Mi 5 takes that position to the next level. The Mi 5’s embedded fingerprint reader is the fastest that I have encountered while still remaining very accurate. In fact, it proved to be even faster than the fingerprint reader found on the Google Nexus 6P in nearly all of my side-by-side tests. When unlocking the Xiaomi Mi 5 from sleep, the lock screen is visible only for about a tenth of second, if at all. Needless to say, the Mi 5’s fingerprint reader performance is very impressive indeed.

The side-firing speaker found on the Mi 5, which is present to the right of the charging port, sounded better than the Samsung Galaxy S7’s, but was not particularly impressive. As someone who enjoys an arguably unhealthy amount of video consumption on my smartphone, I greatly prefer front-facing speakers over rear-facing and slightly less over side-firing. I found the Mi 5’s speaker to be just adequate. I was not satisfied with its minor distortion nor its position, but I did appreciate its volume and relative quality to speakers found on phones in the same price category.

With the adoption of the USB Type-C 1.0 standard, Xiaomi is investing in the future of wired charging. It may expedite the need to replace your micro-USB chargers with the newer, USB Type-C chargers, but it is arguably well worth it thanks to the new standard’s reversibility and compatibility with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0. The Xiaomi Mi 5 in particular boasts the ability to go from 0 to 85 percent within just thirty minutes. To our disappointment, the bundled charger is not compatible with Quick Charge 3.0, but rather with the slower, 2.0.

Quick Charge 3.0 explained: what you need to know (Update: video added)

Battery Life

The Mi 5 is not only fast at charging, however, as it offers excellent battery life to begin with. Its 3000mAh high-density battery allowed me to use the Mi 5 for a minimum of a full day of use. With lighter usage, I had no trouble exceeding the one and a half day mark. The Mi 5’s battery life puts it slightly ahead of the Samsung Galaxy S7, despite being powered by a battery of the same capacity. I should mention, however, that you should not base your decision on this minor difference, as there are too many variables in usage to objectively rank each phone.


I was quite happy with the Mi 5’s 16 MP f/2.0 Sony rear camera when shooting in good lighting. Images that I took had a great amount of dynamic range and were very sharp and detailed. Color reproduction was also great and images did not seem under nor over saturated.

The dual-LED flash to the right of the camera module was helpful in evening out skin tones, and the 4-axis optical image stabilization worked well and helped reduce motion blur.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed with images taken with the Mi 5 in low-light. The performance is mediocre in comparison to other flagships, and the digital noise and reduced image quality are very distracting. It is important to realize, however, that this may just be the best camera for low-light photography for the price. It does not perform nearly as well as the Samsung Galaxy S7, but one should not forget that you could buy two Mi 5’s for the price of one Galaxy S7.

Xiaomi has bumped up the pixel size of its 4 MP f/2.0 front-facing camera, and I was generally happy with the selfies that the Mi 5 produced. Skin softening is turned on by default, and you may want to turn it off for more candid and realistic results.

MIUI’s built-in camera app is of notable quality, with an easy-to-use auto mode and an advanced manual mode. The manual mode does allow control over white balance, focus, exposure time, and ISO, which should be plenty for intermediate or advanced photographers.


Xiaomi is shipping the Mi 5 with its own custom version of Android, MIUI 7, over Android 6.0 Marshmallow. MIUI may receive a fair bit of criticism for its iOS-like design, but it is actually very enjoyable in day-to-day use. That’s at least partly thanks to the amount of customization that Xiaomi has packed in, which will please many Android enthusiasts.

Built-in features such as a comprehensive theme store, call recording, app cleaner, advanced data usage management, call & text blacklist, advanced battery life profiles, virus scanner, app permissions, bug reporting, and a seemingly countless number of settings options can be found on the Xiaomi Mi 5. What’s even better is Xiaomi’s commitment to keeping their Mi devices updated by releasing weekly stable updates, which sometimes add new features and almost always include bug fixes and optimizations.

Despite this frequent update schedule, some features found in stock Android Marshmallow and even Lollipop are missing in MIUI 7. Google Now On Tap, multi-user support, and tabbed windows for apps are nowhere to be found, at least in MIUI’s current iteration.

[related_videos title=”Xiaomi in video:” align=”right” type=”custom” videos=”680816,676476,664712,640394,621025,594382,686965″]If you chose to import the Mi 5 from a reseller in China, you need to be aware of a few potential complications. Since the stock China software shipping on Chinese variants does not include Google apps, many resellers have decided to manually add them for you. This sounds great, but in practice, they often add bloatware and sometimes even malware as well. Therefore, it would be very wise for you to flash the global ROM, which includes Google apps, in order to have the best experience possible. Without flashing a stock ROM, you will not be able to receive weekly updates and your personal information may be at risk due to possible malware.

Here is where it gets complicated. Xiaomi recently started locking boot loaders, in an effort to curb reseller shenanigans and increase security. Unfortunately, many resellers have evidently been able to get around this, and have even blocked updating in their custom ROMs, forcing you to unlock the boot loader if you wish to have a secure experience. What’s worse is that the unlocking process is very complicated. Users are forced to wait up to ten days and some features, such as Xiaomi’s “find my device,” are permanently disabled.

This is only an issue if you chose to import the device, however. If you buy the Xiaomi Mi 5 through an official channel, you will have absolutely no trouble.

Xiaomi Mi 5

2016 smartphone by Xiaomi / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dear Wikiwand AI, let’s keep it short by simply answering these key questions:

Can you list the top facts and stats about Xiaomi Mi 5?

Summarize this article for a 10 year old

The Xiaomi Mi 5 (Chinese : 小米手机5 ) is a smartphone developed by the Chinese electronics manufacturer company Xiaomi for its high-end smartphone line, released in February 2016. [1] The Xiaomi Mi 5 has a 5.15-inch 1080p screen, a Snapdragon 820 processor, a 3,000-mAh battery and a Sony Exmor IMX 16-megapixel camera. The standard version has 3GB of RAM (random-access memory) with 32GB of storage space (UFS2.0). The advanced version has the same amount of RAM with 64GB of storage space (UFS2.0). The premium edition has 4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage (UFS 2.0). It was released 528 days after the Xiaomi Mi 4 went on sale, and the Xiaomi Mi 5 was a long time coming after a flood of flagship phones from different brands. [2]

This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience. ( May 2020 )

Xiaomi Mi 5

ManufacturerXiaomi Inc.
Compatible networks2G bands : GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 – SIM 1 and SIM 2

3G bands : HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100 & TD-SCDMA CDMA2000 1xEV-DO – China

4G bands : LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 5(850), 7(2600), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500) – Global LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 7(2600), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500) – China

Speed : HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps, LTE-A (3CA) Cat12 600/150 Mbps

64 GB, 3 GB RAM – Prime edition

Size : 5.15 inches, 73.1 cm2 (~73.1% screen-to-body ratio) Resolution : 1080 x 1920 pixels, 16:9 ratio (~428 ppi density)


There were many reasons for the delay in launching the fifth generation of Xiaomi phones in 2015. First of all, Huawei’s crackdown on Xiaomi was particularly severe in 2015. Therefore, Xiaomi needed to make a comeback through the release of Mi 5. Secondly, Xiaomi has always stood on the market with low price and cost performance, [3] [4] but the price of the Mi 5 is more than 2000 yuan, which was becoming the highest price in history, so Xiaomi wanted to reduce the price through additional technology research and development. In addition, the Mi 5 launched during the 2016 mobile world congress (MWC) brought better exposure and higher consumer awareness of marketing strategies, which helped Xiaomi better promote its new phones to meet its sales target. Besides, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 running on the Xiaomi Mi 5 is highly anticipated, so the compatibility of the processor had to be perfected before releasing the phone. [5] In addition, the delay of the release of the Xiaomi Mi 5 was attributed to the overheating of the Snapdragon 810 chip, which caused the phone to not work smoothly and led the company to test the performance of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 on the Xiaomi Mi 5. [6] [7]


System and software

The factory system (UI) of Xiaomi Mi 5 is MIUI 7. [8] This system plays very well in the Xiaomi Mi 5. However, when some applications are running in the background, a short pause is inevitable, but it does not affect the normal use. Compared with other Android or Apple phones, Xiaomi’s phones are easier to install custom ROM and can change the name of the SIM network at will. The Xiaomi Mi 5 features a powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. At the end of 2017, Xiaomi Mi 5 updated the available MIUI V9.1.1.0 with unique optimizations including a notification panel that can respond quickly, split-screen or multi-window support, image search, improved performance and application processing. [9] In late 2018, Xiaomi announced that after the last stable release of MIUI 10.2, there will be no more updates to MIUI on Xiaomi Mi 5 phones. [10]

The Mi 5 is among few smartphones to support Apple’s proprietary “AirPlay” protocol. [11]


The 5.15 Mi 5 is indeed one of the most compact and lightweight flagships. It is 144.6 x 69.2 x 7.3 mm wide and 2 mm tall, but the hair is narrower and thinner than the 5.1 Galaxy S7. The Mi 5 weighs just 129g – 23g lighter than the Galaxy S7 with a similar design. The Mi 5 has a familiar double glazing design with a silver frame. Both pieces are made from the latest Gorilla Glass 4 material. The rear glass bends around the long edges, while the front is completely flat. Xiaomi has set chamfered edges on the frame to complement the soft curve on the back, which works best in this combination. It also improves grip, enhances the appearance and makes handling more comfortable. Monitors may look almost bezel-less, but they aren’t. A metal frame is a border, and it takes a while to get used to it when swiping a card because most of the time people’s thumbs scratch the metal and then seamlessly enter the screen. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it wasn’t common at first. [12] The front is also sleek, with a reflective “Mi” logo at the top, a front-facing camera next to it, and slim buttons underneath the 5.1-inch display. A single button has an embedded fingerprint sensor, which is very fast. Xiaomi is playing out the phone’s almost baffle-free features. Although the space between the edge of the phone and the screen is very small, there is a large black bar around the monitor, which ruins the illusion. In fact, the Mi 5 has about the same number of borders as the HTC 10. [13]


Xiaomi’s darkest hour came in the year before the Mi 5 went on sale. Xiaomi, China’s leading smartphone maker, has endured a year of intense pressure from Huawei and Apple. Other Chinese smartphone giants, such as Vivo and Oppo, have made efforts in retail to stay out of the way. In this dilemma, Xiaomi Mi 5 is just a sharp tool to fight a battle of survival and keep Xiaomi’s market share in China. In 2014, Xiaomi’s share of the global smartphone market was only 5%, far less than Samsung’s 26% and Apple’s 12%. [14] Step by step, Xiaomi has progressed to become the biggest competitor of Huawei and Apple in China. Behind all this, Xiaomi’s biggest effort has been to expand its market. [15] In 2019, Apple’s sales declined because China is a relatively large market with endless opportunities. However, Huawei technologies and Xiaomi have achieved good results in China in recent years, so Xiaomi has put considerable pressure on Apple. [16] Xiaomi is not just a smartphone maker; it also makes other products, including headphones, gaming laptops, fitness watches, smart light bulbs and more. Perhaps if people are not interested in Xiaomi’s smartphones, they may still be interested in its ancillary products. Xiaomi is often referred to by others as “the Apple of China” largely due to its phones resembling that of Apple’s iPhone. However, Xiaomi has created some special phones after continuous independent research and development. In fact, there is a big difference between Xiaomi and Apple. That is, Xiaomi has a wider range of sales and hardware services than Apple, and its phones have higher cost performance. But at the same time, cost-effective phones are losing their edge. This means that Xiaomi may need to improve its original marketing model and gradually adapt to the current global smartphone market. Or it could still gradually cultivate Xiaomi’s “fanatical fans” to follow the old way. [17] Now Xiaomi, as an international brand, is working hard to expand its position in offline retail. This is also Xiaomi’s global expansion plan. In order to take a larger share of the international market, they plan to carry out more business with a smaller profit. After expanding successfully in India and Europe, [18] Xiaomi is now looking at South America. The first Xiaomi store in Chile opened in Santiago on April 27, attracting 1,500 customers on the first day. In the future, Xiaomi will also open more physical stores in Chile, and introduce Mi home ecosystem to Chile as soon as possible. [19] This is not the first time Xiaomi has entered the South American market. Xiaomi entered Latin America and South America in 2017 through Redmi 4X sales in Mexico. “Mexico is a very important market for us and is our starting point to the rest of Latin America,” Donovan Sung, Xiaomi’s global director of product management and marketing, said in a news release. “We hope to continue to grow here with the continued support of our passionate Mi fans.” [20] And it plans to enter the American market in 2019, but the fact is not easy, there seem to be some problems. Previously, Xiaomi Mi 8 was deemed to copy the iPhone X with similar facial recognition and camera layout. [21] As for the current situation, Xiaomi is still in the stage of expansion and has not reached a fully mature market share. There may be room for its market share to rise. Xiaomi’s expansion strategy now is to stabilize its gains in Europe and India, [22] and then continue to expand elsewhere.


The Xiaomi Mi 5 received a lot of good reviews after its release. There are many reasons for this.

GSMArena states that: “Xiaomi made it easy for us. The Mi 5 is one of the most beautiful, most powerful, and most capable smartphones to date and there is little to dwell on it. If the Mi 5 is available in your geographic region, our recommendation is to grab one right away. The Snapdragon 820 chip, the very bright screen, the enhanced 16MP snapper with 4-axis OIS, and the beefy battery are all an excellent complement to the charismatic Xiaomi Mi 5. The Android 6.0 Marshmallow allowed for native fingerprint reader and USB Type-C support, while the MIUI 7 launcher is as neat as ever. The Xiaomi Mi 5 has no competition within its price bracket. The rest of the Snapdragon 820 devices are twice as expensive, as is the iPhone 6s. ” [12]

Gadgets360 states that: “Xiaomi may be better known for its budget smartphones, but with the Mi 5 it has shown that it is more than capable of building a competent premium device as well. Although a lot of people will have problems with the price and the general idea that Xiaomi is even trying to build something premium, we feel that it’s time to move on and give the company the respect it deserves. The Mi 5 is a solid effort that succeeds in giving you a flagship smartphone experience at a price that we consider excellent for a phone of this quality.” [23]

According to an author from ANDROID AUTHORITY, the Mi 5’s design, display, performance, hardware, battery life, camera, and software impressed us overall, which is astonishing at this price point. Xiaomi has yet again raised the bar for what an affordable smartphone should be, and much like in previous years, rival OEMs will certainly need to up their game to topple Xiaomi’s latest flagship. [24]

But one phone can’t be perfect, and there have been some comments pointing to problems.

An author from Forbes said that: “The volume rocker on the side is slightly wobbly, making for the only “flaw” in what is otherwise top-notch craftsmanship. The Mi 5 runs Xiaomi’s own MIUI skin over Android 6.0, and much like Meizu’s Flyme OS, it’s a lot cleaner than people in the west might think. The two major differences that fans of stock Android would notice right away are the lack of an app drawer, and the notification shade, which is split into two tabs (a la Huawei’s EMUI). One side is notifications, the other is toggles for things like WiFi, Bluetooth, volume, etc. I don’t particularly love this two-part take (because it requires an extra swipe left/right to do most things), but it’s not that annoying.” [25]

” Xiaomi seems to be running an overly aggressive background app killing setting that’ll close most apps running in the background if they’ve not been used for a while. It’s difficult to assess exactly how long this time period has to be, but I found common apps like GroupMe and Hangouts, among plenty of others, having to reload every time I went back to them. I don’t spend all day in chat apps but it’s annoying waiting for them to load back up again, and sometimes I even found that notifications were delayed until I opened the app again. This happened most often with Google’s Inbox and caused me to miss emails a number of times. This is all done to save battery, which it certainly achieves, but it creates a negative user experience when it does happen, and is less desirable than just killing my battery quicker.” [26]